[ North Plainfield 12 & Under All-Stars' Home Page & Contents ] [ League Standings ]

North Plainfield 12 & Under Baseball All-Stars
Schedule of Games - and Results - for 1996

World Wide Web Edition, Revised 7/24/96, 3pm

The team schedule is below with updated scores. Click on "[Box]", "[Recap]" or "[Log]" to see writeups.

Team's Final CJBL Conference Record --- Won 9, Lost 7 ; Overall at 7/23 --- Won 14, Lost 10

Schedule and Results

Home field is East End School. Unless otherwise noted, all games are CJBL conference games & begin at 6pm.
* = Tourneys; (*LHT)=Long Hill; (*SPT)=So. Plfd; (*DT)=Dunellen; (*CJ)=Central Jersey. (League or Tourney records in parentheses.)
Winning Team in red.
 1) Sun, 6/02 -  Warren(6) at NP (5)  Lost (0-1)  [ Box ]  [ Recap ]
 2) Sun, 6/09 -  Long Hill (10) at NP (6)  Lost (0-2)  
 3) Sun, 6/16 -  Ridge (3) at NP (25)  WON  (1-2)  [ Box ]  [ Recap ]
 4) Fri, 6/21 -  (*LHT) NP (2) vs. Chatham  (9)  Lost* (0-1) (Elim.)
 5) Sun, 6/23 -  Bedminster (3) at NP (8)  WON  (2-2) 
 6) Mon, 6/24 -  Branchburg (2) at NP (3)  WON  (3-2) 
 7) Wed, 6/26 -  NP  (16) at New Providence (5)  WON (4-2) [ Box ]
 8) Fri, 6/28 -  Chatham  (15) at NP (0)  Lost (4-3)
 9) Sat, 6/29 -  (*SPT) NP (2) vs. South Plainfield(13)  Lost* (0-1)
10) Mon, 7/01 -  NP (8) Plainfield (7)  WON (5-3) [ Recap ]
11) Tue, 7/02 -  (*SPT) NP (4) vs. Brooklyn  (5)  Lost* (0-2) (Elim.) [ Log ]
12) Wed, 7/03 -  Westfield (0) at NP (4)  WON (6-3) [ Log ]
13) Fri, 7/05 -  NP (3) at Summit (9)  Lost (6-4)
14) Wed, 7/10 -  NP (4) at Warren (5)   Lost (6-5)
15) Thu, 7/11 -  Berkley Heights (12) at NP (9)  Lost (6-6) 
16) Fri, 7/12 -  NP (6) at Branchburg (3)  WON (7-6)
17) Tue, 7/16 -  (*DT) NP (7) vs. Raritan (3)  WON* (1-0)
18) Wed, 7/17 -  NP (8) at Long Hill (6)  WON (8-6)  [ Recap ]
19) Thu, 7/18 -  NP (13) at Bedminster (6)  WON (9-6) [ Recap ]
20) Sat, 7/20 -  (*DT) NP (9) vs. Warren (8)  WON* (2-0)
21) Sun, 7/21 -  (*DT) NP (6) vs. Dunellen (5)  WON* (3-0)
22) Sun, 7/21 -  NP (3) at Ridge (4) Lost  (9-7)
23) Mon, 7/22 -  (*DT) NP (5) vs. Somerville (4)  WON* (4-0)  * clinched DT playoff berth 
24) Tue, 7/23 -  (*DT) NP (3) vs. Scotch Plains (1) WON* (5-0) [ Recap ]

25) Fri, 7/26 - (*CJ) NP at Westfield 26) Sat, 7/27 - (*DT) Dunellen Tourney Finals (10 am) 27) Mon, 7/29 - (*CJ) CJBL Tourney Semi-Finals (Away) *if we beat Westfield on 7/26 28) Wed, 7/31 - (*CJ) CJBL Tourney Finals (@ Long Hill) *if we win 7/29 game

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