[ Contents ]

(New Jersey)
11 & 12 Year-Old
All-Star Baseball Team
1996 Season

Pic of Batter Another Pic of Batter

to the
World Wide Web Online Magazine
for the
North Plainfield 12 & Under All-Star Baseball Team!

This season promises to be awesome, as most of the boys from the 1994 League Championship squad are reunited along with returning second-year players from last year's "C" league.

This is your source for up-to-date information about the progress of the All-Stars' march for the championship! Sponsored by The Prudential Pioneer Real Estate, and coached by Ron Ivory with assistance from Rudy Bassman and Erwin Velasquez, the boys should have a good time and should learn a lot about the game of baseball.

Find out about the players, check the schedule, and read the recaps and boxscores of the games. Come see the games if you can, and send the boys fan mail!

( Note to scouts: Please keep in mind that these boys are still very young. You are welcome to check them out, but please use discretion and wait until they have a few years of high school under their belts before approaching them.)


Here's what we have in store for you at our Web site. You can click on any of the following "hypertext links" to jump to the section or page you are interested in.

The Players *

Click here for our roster. As the season progresses, we may add personal data about the players if they so desire.
Schedule and Results

The Schedule and Results page serves as the kickoff point for reading about the team's games. As time allows, scores are updated and articles are written about past games. From this page you can jump to pages that display play-by-plays, recaps, and box scores.
League Standings

This page is under construction. At the very least, you'll see which teams are in which division.
Other WWW Sites Of Interest

Baseball Parent Newsletter Home Page
Check it out! They have articles from recent newsletters (which you can subscribe to online) as well as their own listing of interesting World Wide Web sites to jump to.
Cohan Family Home Page
This is just a shameless plug of the Web site created by the author about his familiy. If you have nothing better to do, check it out!
Jake Cohan's Michael Jordan Home Page
Jake has put together info, stats, and graphics on a series of Web pages dedicated to MJ. Check it out and feel free to comment!

The Players

Audio Clips of the Day!

Click on this speaker image to hear what impresses Coach Bassman the most after the team's 4-0 victory over Westfield on July 3rd. (217k, 960703a.wav)

Click on this speaker image to hear Coach Velasquez' prognosis for the boys, as of July 3rd. (198k, 960703b.wav)

Attention Visitors:

I would be glad to give you eMail notifications when new boxscores or recaps have been added to this site, so that you don't have to spend time navigating over to here just to find out there's nothing new to look at. Just click here to send me an eMail requesting notification. In the text of your message to me, just say something like "Notify me, please". Also indicate your PREFERRED eMail address, in the event it is not the same as the address that will come through as the sender of your message.

Also please DO feel free to eMail me with ANY suggestions or comments about this web site.

Yours truly,
Jeff Cohan
June 20, 1996

Web site maintained by J. Cohan
http://members.aol.com/jdcohan/npas/index.htm -- Last Revised July 7, 1996

You can contact the team or give feedback about this site through eMail to jdcohan@aol.com
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